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Medway Adult Education

Drawing and Painting - Art: Life Drawing  

Visual of the course

Course summary

Code: Q001356A  

Location: Rochester Adult Education Centre  

Cost: £133.50 to £178.00 

Starting: Wednesday 07 May 2025 

Duration: 10 sessions over 10 week(s)

Time: 10:00 

By continuing you confirm that you are 19 or over on 31 August and have agreed to the the Terms and conditions


Course Information Sheet


Whether you would like to learn new creative skills or to look into the possibility of a new art-based career, MAE Community Learning courses can provide you with a stepping stone to progress.

The life figure drawing and painting course is an excellent foundation to learn or develop the fundamentals of drawing skills. The focus will be on representing human anatomy, proportion, angle, and achieving likeness. The elements of composition, use of negative and positive space, and use of props are used to play a vital part in expressing the model's character and personality.
The course also aims to develop your confidence and creativity through working on a broad variety of poses and themes, personal and set, using a wide range of media. Learners will look at key artists and movements in art and borrow appropriate techniques and motives to aid their works.

Please do not buy tools and equipment until you know that the course will run.

What will I learn on this course?
1. Use at least one proportion technique when drawing from life. 2. Use observational skills to structure at least one image of accurate proportions 3. Experiment with at least 3 different media.

Is this course suitable for me?
This course is suitable for enthusiastic beginners as well as those with previous art experience.

Is there anything else I need to know about the course?
Learners will need the following tools and equipment please do not purchase until you are sure the course will run: - Basic drawing equipment of your own choice (at least one HB pencil and rubber); - A sketchbook will be provided but large paper will need to be purchased - please do not purchase until your tutor has discussed your course with you on the first session. Paper can be purchased in the classroom from your tutor. - Some examples of your drawings and paintings- as below, so that the tutor can assess you skill level, it would be very useful to see a small sample of your recent work if you have any. Assessment will play a regular role in your tuition, both initially to set you on the right learning path, and continually during the course to help you achieve personal goals and standards.

Will there be additional costs?
For this course you will need to bring your own materials. You will be encouraged to gradually build up your own collection of different mediums as the course progresses, under advice from the tutor. Some suggested materials may eventually include: - Drawing materials including: pencil, graphite, charcoal, pen, ink and pastels. - Painting materials including: Watercolour, Gouache, Oils, and Acrylics. - Various tones and types of paper: including watercolour paper, white cartridge, sugar paper and various tones of coloured paper to support your work. You will need to provide your own materials for most activities, though easels and drawing boards will be provided at no additional cost. Various types of paper can be purchased from the centre (subject to availability) for a minimal fee. However, if you don’t have any of the materials listed above, wait until you have spoken to the tutor before making too many purchases. Please see required materials for first session above.

What could I go on to do after this course?
Your tutor can talk to you about other subject related course available. You could also progress onto the Level 2 BTEC Art & Design Skills course.

Attendance Policy
In order to get the most out of your course you will need to attend as many sessions as possible. We recommend at least 85%. If you do have a holiday booked during term time please let the tutor know in advance so that we can help you catch up on missed sessions and ensure that you still achieve the course outcomes. If you are unavoidably ill or unable to attend please contact 01634 338400 so that we can let your tutor know, and so they can send you any work you may have missed.

How are digital skills used and enhanced on this course
Information technology may be used to introduce skills, techniques, and the work of other artists along with safe internet usage. Whilst you do not need any IT skills to enrol on this course, please do speak to the tutor if this is an area you would like to explore.

Health and Safety
By participating in the art class you accept that you understand that it is your responsibility to judge your motor skills and physical ability. It is your responsibility to ensure that by participating in classes and activities from Medway Adult Education, you will not exceed your limits while performing such activity, and you will select the appropriate level of task for your skills and abilities. You understand that this is a practical activity and you will need to be suitably dressed, you will need protect your work surface and be mindful of the correct Health & Safety processes when working with art materials. MAE is not responsible for damage to items in your house / home or person. The creators, owners and distributors of this site and the material available MAE are not responsible for any injuries you may experience as a result of your use of this site and the material contained here on. By remaining on this site and/or accessing and / or using any material, you are accepting that you have read, understood and agreed to follow these basic instructions.



Rochester Adult Education Centre  
Rochester Community Hub  
ME1 1EW  

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